Recent News

All My Relations Training Fund

IPS recognizes the importance of learning, building understanding and providing a safe and inclusive environment to support Indigenous 2-Spirit and LGBTQ youth. We believe that every child matters, no matter …

IPS Talent Spectacular-June 30th, 2021

Indigenous Perspectives Society will be hosting an all ages talent show on Zoom! A variety of performers will bring their most exciting, authentic, or unique talent(s) to our virtual stage …

IPS C-92 Training June 1-3rd 2021

C-92 Training: Federal Act for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families IPS invites you join us this June 1st, 2nd and 3rd for our online C-92 training, …

Happy Earth Day From IPS

On Earth Day 2021 IPS recognizes all people and especially Indigenous peoples who have cared for our earth since human time began. We give thanks to the ancestors, supernatural ones, …