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Pink Shirt Day 2021

Happy Pink Shirt Day from IPS! Near or far we join hands & come together to spread kindness & lift each other up. Showing we care sometimes takes courage. How …

C-92 Training at IPS

C-92 Training: Federal Act for First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families Join IPS this February 24th– 26th for our online C-92 training, facilitated by Indigenous child welfare …

Orange Shirt Day is September 30th

Victoria Orange Shirt Day: Xe Xe Smun’ Eem (Sacred Children) Residential school survivor Eddy Charlie and friend Kristin Spray have been co-organizers of Victoria Orange Shirt Day: Xe Xe Smun’ Eem …

New online trainings launching this Fall

IPS is pleased and excited to be launching two new extremely relevant and timely online training opportunities. Please click on the links below to learn more about: C-92 Training: Federal …

Gladue Writer Training

To support the ongoing development of holistic and restorative approaches to criminal justice in Canada, Indigenous Perspectives Society offers Gladue Writer Training in collaboration with Dr. Jane Dickson, Associate Professor of Law …

New Gladue for Probation Officers

The new Gladue for Probation Officers was developed specifically to support the learning and practical needs of probation officers who are actively preparing reports and working within the Canadian criminal …