Fundamentals of Gladue for Communities
Fundamentals of Gladue for Communities

one-day Fundamentals of Gladue for Communities training specifically designed to equip community members, community representatives and justice workers with a foundational understanding of Gladue requirements, their meaning in law and their importance in practice.

Gladue for Probation Officers

Over twelve hours of learning, participants develop an understanding of the importance of story-telling as healing, the role of historic trauma, historic trauma responses, and intergenerational effects in the over-representation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system.

Gladue Writer Training
Gladue Writer Training

Over ten weeks of learning, participants develop an understanding of the importance of story-telling as healing, the role of historic trauma, historic trauma responses, and intergenerational effects in the over-representation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system.

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Indigenous Perspectives Society: Centre of Excellence in Community Education (IPS) offers Gladue Writer Training, Gladue for Probation Officers training and Fundamentals of Gladue for Communities, to support stronger engagement with restorative justice initiatives and application of Gladue principles and practices. These trainings support a wide range of participants working in justice and corrections systems and across  private and community sectors.

Training Category Next Session
Gladue for Probation Officers Justice & Equity TBD
Gladue Writer Training Justice & Equity TBD
Fundamentals of Gladue for Communities Justice & Equity TBD

To further discuss delivering one of our trainings to your organization please CLICK HERE

  • Gladue Writer Training was a positive learning experience. I am looking forward to being there to help the Client have their Story told of why and how they became involved in the Criminal Justice System. It is time we help 'Break the Cycle' and provide new options to lengthy incarceration for Indigenous Offenders.

    Laura White, Newfoundland Aboriginal Women's Network [NAWN]