You are invited to the opening ceremony of Indigenous Perspectives Society’s Button Blanket Project, a 10-week creative journey of Reconciliation sponsored by the Anglican Church to bring community together and honour our collective commitment to a new way of being in relationship to each other.
Date: January 17, 2017
Time: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Location: Indigenous Perspectives Society, 644 Granderson Road, Langford, B.C.
Event Details: Our opening event will include storytelling, elder blessings, and food sharing as we begin this creative journey together.
From January 17 to March 21, IPS will sew four button blankets with images of Whale, Eagle, Raven, and Wolf that when completed will hang on the walls of the IPS training room as symbols of our dedication to Reconciliation.
Indigenous Perspectives Society (IPS) is a charitable and not-for-profit social enterprise that offers training programs and services that help foster a deeper understanding of Indigenous perspectives, cultural differences, and the need for self-determination. By creating excellence through training and leadership, we help strengthen lives and build successful relationships in our communities.
Beginning with a focus on Indigenous child and family service delivery through the CARF International accredited Aboriginal Social Work training series, IPS has grown to include Cultural Perspectives Training, Adoption Online, Recruitment and Retention of Indigenous People, and more. By creating excellence though training and leadership, IPS has been supporting communities throughout British Columbia and across Canada for more than 22 years.
To learn more about Indigenous Perspectives Society visit
Media Contacts:
Laurie MacDonald, 250 391 0007 ext. 223
Barbara Smith, 250 391 0007 ext. 247