Aboriginal Child Welfare
IPS Aboriginal Child Welfare consulting services bring best practices in Aboriginal/Indigenous child welfare and British Columbia Provincial Legislation and Standards to organizations developing policy and delivering services.
IPS expertise includes leadership, administration, assessment, intervention and planning within the context of Indigenous communities, organizations, and cultures.
Strategic Planning
IPS Strategic Planning helps identify a clear vision for your organization by reflecting on your successes and assessing ongoing initiatives to explore and prioritize new opportunities.
Having successfully completed many strategic planning processes and accomplishing major goals, the IPS team enjoys sharing, learning and best practices. IPS Facilitators can assist your Board and Staff to choose your next directions and envision how to successfully accomplish your new goals by:
- Establishing or recognizing organizational priorities
- Strengthening operations by focusing energy and resources
- Ensuring a shared framework is developed to enable employees and other stakeholders to work together towards common goals
- Establishing consensus and agreement around intended outcomes and results
Cultural Needs Assessment
IPS Cultural Needs Assessment offers a process for teams and organizations of any size. We bring experience working with staff and leadership on organizational culture and capacity to strengthen Indigenous engagement, recruitment and retention.
The cultural needs assessment process includes:
- Identifying factors that may be impacting individual and organizational effectiveness
- Identifying policies and procedures to increase cultural safety in the work place
- Addressing workplace concerns in a controlled, informed and intentional way
- Coaching leadership about how decisions and actions affect workplace environment, culture and performance
- Incorporating best practices to increase and support cultural diversity
- Designing a process of shared ownership for resolution
- Validating existing success, providing strategies for addressing challenges, and identifying opportunities for continued development
Policy Development
IPS Policy Development Services support both Indigenous and non-Indigenous agencies. The IPS team studies, reviews and evaluates regulatory, statutory, and other relevant changes, to determine impacts on Indigenous agencies. By interpreting legislative and policy directions, the IPS team can help to develop recommendations and provide advice on specific policy or program development options.
IPS is actively engaged in Indigenous child, family and community policy work, in the following ways:
- Providing ongoing support through working groups and committees of emerging child welfare policy
- Participating in ongoing and emerging initiatives, such as the First Nations Canadian Incidence Study
- Working in partnership with other like-minded organizations
- Ongoing research on child welfare and the creation of a resource library
- Researching options for policy training workshops
To view some previous project work completed by IPS please visit here.
IPS Competency Domains
Indigenous Cultural Perspectives
Indigenous Child and Family Welfare
Indigenous Child Permanency