“I will highly recommend this training to my organization and to friends. The presentation style was warm and engaging and helped create an emotionally safe space to discuss some very difficult issues in a deep and meaningful way. Very positive and empowering approach to learning how we can make a difference and help build together the road to reconciliation and right relations.”
“I absolutely recommend this training. Whether you think you know a little or a lot, this is valuable and so generous of an offering from IPS. Don’t pass it up. Reconciliation is about all of us!”
“I very much enjoyed learning from the presenters and content! I would recommend this training to everyone, as it was easy to understand, and very important for people who live on these lands to understand their history. We must understand where we came from so that we understand who we are to eachother and to ourselves. Thank you again for making this an amazing experience.”
“This course exceeded my expectations. I would recommend it to anyone!”
“This workshop went so much deeper than I could have researched on my own an really deepened my awareness!!”
“For anyone feels they don’t have an understanding of the history of Indigenous people and feel they want to understand Indigenous relations, the first step is understanding. This class will give you insight into our history and help give you perspective on how to become an Ally and understand the “why”. It opened my eyes and makes me what to learn more.”
“This training provides a great starting point for exploring your own prejudice and navigating how to be a better ally. Feel extremely grateful for the compassion and dedication of the instructors.”
“This training was very valuable to me personally and professionally. I would highly recommend this training.”
“This course was the best online training I have ever taken. It was engaging, moving and educational. It covered information every person needs to know. Thank you!”
“Every time I do a training like this it is such a growth experience; the depth and impact of some of the materials in this course will stay with me for life”
“Facilitation helped provide a safe and open space to learn, practice humility, and ask questions!”
“I am grateful to have been able to participate in this training. The virtual format was engaging, and Rachelle Dallaire is an excellent facilitator. I learned a great deal in a short period of time and this learning has affected me deeply. The teaching, and the important reflection that follows, is essential for all of us living in Canada on Indigenous Peoples’ land. Thank you IPS!”